
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Morning After?

        Well by now you may wonder who this guy is. Who was the guy trapped in the heels, and the bound by a false identity. This guy was me. I was the one that strived for attention and had no sense of identity. For me false lashes, rougĂ© and and contour could never hide the blemishes of my identity. But now everything had changed. I had changed. He changed me. But what now. It was the morning after and I wasn't sure what was next.       That next week came and I began this journey of learning to be a Man, but not just a man, a Man of God. What the world has taught Men should be is not what God called us to be. Being a man can't be taught in a short school session or on the playground. Yet I didn't even know what being a man looked like so I wasn't sure how long it took. I started to consider what my life looked like from here and I drew a blank. I honestly couldn't ever picture being a man. It was almost foreign to me, But at this point I knew that whatev